You pay your insurance premiums dutifully every month, expecting to be fairly compensated should the need for compensation from your insurance company arise, only to find out that you’ve received much less than you should have to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If this has happened to you or someone you know, contact a lawyer for assistance. They can evaluate your case and work hard for you in order to get you the insurance money you deserve. Certain documentation will help your case, including your medical records and bills, pictures of your injuries, journal entries about your recovery, pay stubs for lost wages, and any eyewitness accounts. It doesn’t matter if you have already collected insurance money for your claim or not, a lawyer can still help you get the compensation you deserve. At the Law Offices of David A. Helfand, P.A., we are committed to getting our clients the insurance money they are entitled to.
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